About Me

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I am a first grade teacher. I love to make learning fun & exciting! Teaching is such an adventure and I feel blessed to be able to impact little lives. I love Jesus & live my life to know Him and love others. I also love photography, my awesome hubby, my family, and friends!

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Skippy- the take home adventure!

Who's ready for school to start back!?!?  I guess I am.  I'm really excited today because I found something I've been looking for and it is PERFECT!!!  To explain this new project, we're going to have to take a trip down memory lane....

When I was in 3rd grade I had the BEST teacher ever!!! Not only was she my favorite teacher but she was my neighbor.  She was wonderful & I loved school because of her.  Well, in 3rd grade we had a class pet and his name was Scruffy (he was a stuffed animal).  Every weekend she would let one of us (her students) take it home.  IT WAS AWESOME!  I loved getting to take Scruffy home.  Once I became a teacher I knew I HAD to do this in my room, but the problem was finding a cute class pet I wanted to use.  WELL look what I found...

Seriously!?! How cute, is this?  ANDDDD it was only 10 bucks! So, Skippy will be my class pet.  He will go home with a different student each weekend.  Skippy, the backpack, a Skippyjon Jones book, and a journal.  I can't wait to do this.  SO, if you'd like to jump on board I made the needed documents. To find this cute little guy go check out Kohls!  Click on the preview to get your own documents.  ENJOY! :)


  1. Ummm...I will be buying this tomorrow. You're a genius, as usual!

  2. Thanks Laura! Yeah & I got two of the newer books (HARDBACK) for 5 bucks each too! How crazy is that?! I'll hook you up with the documents.

  3. Woah! Yeah, I went to McKay's the other day and it was slim pickings. Plus I found a Skippyjon book for 17 dollars...what is up with that?!
