Anyways, If you've been following me at all you know about all the fun things my class has been doing with the baby birds that hatched on my back porch. I wanted to share how we ended our little unit on these sweet babies. A wonderful cohort of mine found a book that was super similar to my story with the birds. ((See below))
We read this book that has excellent pictures of baby birds that were so similar to the ones I have taken. Then we made a venn diagram to compare and contrast.
We completed the baby bird fun by writing about the two types of birds. It was great and my kiddos loved all of it. Click on the picture below to snag it for FREE. ENJOY!
This is how I displayed it in the hallway before we added the compare & contrast writing.
Also, I've been thinking ahead to next year and have started revamping a few of my most used documents. Check out this most used document of mine and click the picture below to grab it as well.
Hope everyone has a wonderful rest of the week!